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Examen profesional: Renata Gatica


On August 25, 2021, was held the Professional Examination of our ex-intern Renata Gatica, graduate of the Faculty of Higher Studies Cuautitlán of the Degree in Business Management, who was accepted and scholarship through the program: "Programa de Titulación para Egresados de la UNAM a través de Prácticas Profesionales en las Sedes de la UNAM en el extranjero (TPP)” in 2019 at UNAM-BOSTON.

She chose the modality of Professional Work, presenting her thesis entitled “UNAM: ATREVASANDO FRONTERAS EN LA REGIÓN DE NUEVA INGLATERRA” which was witnessed in a virtual way with the accompaniment of her jury, exposing how the Administrative Process was applied for the realization of our second face-to-face edition of WINTER PUMA 2020 that was lived from January 6 to 24, 2020, being approved unanimously and honourable mention in her professional examination.

Making university protest and with the commitment as a professional to develop with excellence her work, thus culminating this academic stage of Bachelor, which gives rise to her interest for the next step with a purpose of social mission, having an interest in pursuing a postgraduate degree in Public Health within one of the Boston City Universities.

Thus fulfilling the purpose of the program that is the achievement of the degree through professional experience, contributing to the internationalization program of the UNAM, we remain committed to developing professionals in their area, promoting our UNAM from the state of Massachusetts, as well as contributing in Mexico by promoting the social and ethical responsibility of graduates who are accepted into our program.

An extensive invitation is made to the entire UNAM community of graduates to prepare and apply for future calls and have the opportunity to place Boston in its life.

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