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Doing business in Latin America

Updated: Jun 21, 2021

With the pandemic, the world is going to have a very big shock, because economies are not going to recover quickly and we could be facing several years of slow growth, and although this pandemic is not the cause, it has accelerated many things, including the end of a period of globalization as the world has seen very few times in the last three decades, but the world has also seen periods of great globalization as it was before World War I. The pandemic has also seen periods of great globalization as it was before World War I. The world has seen an acceleration of the digital world. With the pandemic we have seen an acceleration of the digital world, the incursion of the digital economy has been happening since the last piece of this trilogy of the ability of machines to analyze data in an admirably fast and incredibly unthinkable volumes, with an internet that can take you from one place to another totally free and with a device that comes from 2007 that allows us to upload and download things from our hands and that obviously is changing many industries.

The local economy, the consumption of local products is something that we must support, to grow these small businesses and mainly because of the pandemic that has caused layoffs and closures of many companies, leaving much of the population unemployed. Although there are companies that have taken care of their employees with the pandemic and have kept them doing through technology greater communication and that they can continue with their jobs, organizing conferences where it has been possible to meet many of the colleagues of the company who did not know each other. With the famous home office has shown that people can be just as productive as in the office, many companies reconsider the option of staying in home office. Other companies have eliminated their offices because it has been so productive to work remotely that it was decided that physical offices were not needed.

The categories that are expected to spend the most post COVID-19 are vacations, time off, restaurant meals, services in the industries that you would bet there are going to be big challenges in tourism issues and mobility, but they are going to have technology work that is already happening, but post COVID-19 you would bet on services and the tourism sector. The companies that have quickly upgraded and used digitalization have been and probably will be the ones that will gain the most business opportunities. It would be important for the government to provide support for people who have been left without work due to the pandemic, generating jobs or preparing them, especially those who do not have the possibility of continuing their studies due to any kind of situation, offering them some training workshops in some trade, regardless of the support that the government offers for low-income students who want to continue with their studies and that with the pandemic do not have the necessary resources to acquire some equipment that allows them to continue with their studies online.

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